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Balance Diet

  • Advice on Balanced Diet

    Image result for Healthy Balanced Diet Pie-ChartImage result for balanced diet chart
    A balanced diet, as the name indicates, should result in a balance of all the nutrients in the daily intake. It must comprise of vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates and fat in the correct proportion. Carbohydrates provide the required energy, whereas protein helps in tissue repair, growth and development. Fats also provide energy and help with fat soluble vitamins.

    Minerals help in the growth of bones, hair, teeth and so on. Vitamins are necessary for the various metabolic functions. Intake of a balanced diet every time helps in warding off infections and keeping diseases at bay. An array of vegetables and fruits are included in the diet. Whole grains, cereals, pulses and legumes help with the fibre intake and provide satiety. Saturated fats and Trans fats are restricted. Poly and mono unsaturated fats are opted for.

    Sugar and salt are restricted on the table. Alcohol is avoided or restricted. Lean meat and poultry are more preferred, rather than red meat. Skimmed milk and related dairy products are useful. Baking, grilling, microwave, pressure cooking and boiling are the preferred methods of cooking. Avoid processed and tinned foods. Nuts and seeds are helpful. Avoid artificial sweeteners. Alcoholic and carbonated beverages are taken in minimal quantities.

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